Monday, February 7, 2011

safe Driving in bad weather

safe Driving in bad weathersafe Driving in bad weather
looking at weather that always change in every season.
auto insurance is important but carry some safety kit is more important too.
This time of year, everyone traveling to see family and friends, but are we really ready to cope with driving in winter weather?
Phoenix in Cirencester has gathered a few suggestions to help drivers to address this climate.
The first question is does is really necessary to travel, I couldn't wait the time improving?

Has OK so you need to travel checked your car?

Fuel F, make sure it has enough
L light, make sure they all work, carry spare bulbs, ensure they are clean and free of snow.
Or check the oil level.
W check engine coolant and windshield washer workflow.
Electrical system E, check that your battery is in good condition, and that all electrical boxes work as they should.
R rubber, the tread of the tyre and you checking the tire pressure make sure their wiper modules are in good condition.

Carry an emergency kit in our car
You must include a basic kit:
-Icer and scraper of ice, warm clothes and boots, torch, first aid kit jump opportunities and a shovel with a hot drink and food aid, and any medication you may need, when you get stuck or your vehicle breaks down.Make sure that your phone is fully charged, and have break covered.

When slippery roads can take you up to 10 times longer to stop.
Reduce the unit carefully and speed, if the ice use higher gears, note that ice forms are more easily:

•Hilly road gold exposed
•Roads passing below or above a bridge
•Roads shaded by trees or buildings
Skidding usually is caused by driver braking and acceleration of gold too harshly address or driving too fast for road conditions. If there is skidding, eliminating the cause by releasing the brake pedal fully or acceleration off the accelerator. Turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid. For example, if the rear of the vehicle before right, go immediately right to recover.

Read the highway code and lead the essential skills, both are filled with all kinds of weather driving tips.

Take a lesson in bad weather driving if it is available in your area, Skate bread training is another way to improve your skills fun and you can do at any time of the year.

Stay safe.
I am an instructor of driving in the conduct of Phoenix in Cirencester, my wife, who is also a driving instructor, suggested writing some articles of driving, with the amount of experience we have of driving, we think it would be useful to others, so they enjoy.

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